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We deliver to most of the UK, but there are some places we can’t get to. If you live in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or the Republic of Ireland, we’re sorry, but we can’t deliver to you.

We get to work straight away and aim to have your electricals at your door in 4-7 days. Your item/s will be collected from us by a courier the day after your order is confirmed, and they’ll contact you on the phone number you give us to arrange a delivery date that suits you. Just to let you know, this call normally comes from a withheld number.

Delivery is free on some electricals, including , computing and TVs up to 55”, but there’s a fee for larger, bulkier items. The delivery cost is £19 and it’s always easy to spot at the bottom of our product descriptions. And remember, you can always collect your order from our Bolton store for free if that works for you.

New energy ratings come into effect from 1st March 2021. Online and in-store energy labels for all relevant appliances will be updated by 14th March 2021. Energy labels in product packaging have been transitioning since 1st November 2020 so you may receive both a new energy label and an old-style label in the box. It’s still the exact same product you ordered, only the energy rating has been updated to the simplified A-G scale.

Once you’ve placed your order for collection, you can come down any time during opening hours. We’re here Monday to Friday 10am- 5pm and Saturday 11am-4pm. Just remember to bring some ID so we can be sure we’re giving it to the right person. We’re only able to accept a driving licence or passport as a valid form of ID.

We can only accept a driving licence or passport as a valid form of ID, but we’ll only need to see this if you’re collecting your order.

Absolutely. We’re here Monday to Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 11am-4pm, when our electrical experts will be happy to help you choose the right electricals for you.

If you’re not happy with your product or you’ve simply changed your mind, just let us know within 14 days of delivery or collection for a refund. We’re happy for you to unpack the appliance and have a proper look at it. However, if you’ve used the product or had it installed, we may not be able to sell it to someone else. This means that where the value of the product is reduced by your use, we may only make a partial refund, or charge you for the reduction in value. If you’ve not used the product and it’s returned to us in the original packaging, you will receive a full refund. Your refund will be made within 14 days of our collection or your return of the product.

To cancel a product, please call 01204 531 234 between 11am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. The product must be returned using the same method it was delivered. For example, if you collected the product from our store, it must be returned to our store, unless agreed otherwise. When we are to collect the cancelled product from you, we’ll do so free of charge within a reasonable time from when you cancel, and on a day that suits you. We’ll also refund you the cost of delivery. You will receive an estimated timeslot and must be at the chosen address for the driver to receive the goods from you. Orders placed for next day delivery cannot be cancelled before delivery.

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