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    Bosch Serie 6 KGE49AWCAG 70/30 Fridge Freezer – White – C Rated #366730

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    Keep your food fresh for longer.

    The VitaFresh system offers the ideal storage environment for all your fresh food thanks to climate and temperature control. Fish and meat stays fresh for longer at a temperature near 0°C. Fruit and vegetables benefit from an optimized climate. More food to enjoy, less food wasted.

    Keeps the contents of your fridge in the spotlight.

    LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge lights and last an (appliance) lifetime.

    More freezer space for your favourites.

    An extra-deep frozen food drawer for practical stacking of frozen foods container or large frozen items like gateaux or pizzas. No matter whether you have to cater for a child’s birthday or freeze a wedding cake – in the Big Box you will find enough space for large frozen goods.

    Easy access to the contents of your fridge.

    When your fridge is well-stocked, it’s hard to keep track of food tucked away at the back. That’s why our EasyAccess Shelf is made so you can see your fridge contents at a glance. Simply pull it open for easy access to all your food. Made of shatterproof glass, this easy-to-handle shelf lets you quickly find the right ingredients for your next meal.

    Freezing, but with minimal frost.

    Constantly having to defrost your conventional freezer not only takes up a lot of your time, but energy too. Low Frost reduces the amount of ice formation in your freezer to eliminate the need for frequent defrosting. Our fridge-freezers with Low Frost feature a practical vent at the base of the appliance for a quick, fuss-free fix. Choose the freezer that looks after you, and itself.

    Two separate cooling circuits are more convenient and save energy.

    2 separate cooling circuits, which allow you to control the chilling and freezer comparments independently. Easy-to-use electronic controls allow you to adjust the temperatures individually and prevents odour transfer.

    The fridge that knows how to keep its cool.

    Activate the Super Cooling function before you go shopping to lower the temperature in your fridge for a short period, so your fresh shopping is kept at the right temperature. The temperature is lowered by pushing a button (2°C at the lowest). To prevent unnecessary power consumption, the function automatically switches back after approximately 6 hours.

    FreshSense: perfect storage climate.

    Thanks to the optimum storage conditions, your food preserves an ideal consistency; ice cream, for instance, is neither too soft nor too hard. A constant temperature in the fridge interior is a decisive factor in achieving more freshness and flavour. FreshSense sensors constantly monitor and control the ambient, fridge and freezer temperature. A constant temperature inside the fridge, independent of the outer temperature, is the result.

    Save energy whilst you are away.

    When the Holiday Mode function is activated, the temperature in the fridge section is approx. +14°C and in the freezer approx. −18°C, protecting frozen foods and preventing energy wastage in the fridge.


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    Collect and Recycle

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